Expectations for online education in 2018

Utilization of technology in the education sector is evolving. A few years ago, online education had a small role in the field of education but now it is considered as an emerging alternative. Students are looking for technological progression in addition to traditional classroom learning to convenient and flexible e-learning.

Among modern-day advancements ‘Technology’ emerges as the largest theme to impact the education area in the past few years. This forecasts a great time for the present-day learner, schools, educators, parents, and all those connected with the teaching-learning process. We have identified three expectations for online education in 2018 that will shape e-learning.

  • Augmented Reality: We foresee Augmented Reality or AR to be introduced to online education. AR is an emerging technology which can change the aspects of a viewer’s surroundings without moving the physical reality. Enhanced visual experiences can help students imagine and understand their subjects. AR can be an ideal solution for remote students.
  • Gamification: Gamification is trending and it is being used by several schools and colleges. Some institutes providing free online education offer tutorials in mathematics through gamification. Successful students are given experience points and badges as they complete their projects or assignments. The in-game successes simulate the stories of popular video games. Game-like simulation has shown an increase in engagement among students and improves results.
  • Personalized Lessons: Compared to the costs and accessibility of AR and Gamification, the simplest and greatest advantage of online education is personalization and customization. This is possible due to the availability of rich data online where instructors can find and customize the trends and patterns of learning that suit needs of students.

2018 promises to be an interesting year for education, and the trend of obtaining education online will progress. With technology upsetting traditional arrangements, conventional tutoring, and typical mindsets, a seamless integration as a top online solution for schools with classroom practices will be crucial to the success of online education.

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